| | 書誌事項 |
1 | | The autobiography of Giambattista Vico / translated from the Italian by Max Harold Fisch and Thomas Goddard Bergin. -- Cornell University Press, 1975. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
2 | | Humor and laughter : an anthropological approach / Mahadev L. Apte ; pbk.. -- Cornell University Press, 1985. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
3 | | Art in Paris, 1845-1862 : salons and other exhibitions / reviewed by Charles Baudelaire ; translated and edited by Jonathan Mayne ; pbk.. -- Cornell University Press, 1981. -- (Landmarks in art history)(Cornell paperbacks). |
4 | | The visionary company : a reading of English romantic poetry / Harold Bloom ; : pbk. -- Rev. & enl. ed. -- Cornell University Press, 1971. -- (Cornell paperbacks ; CP-117). |
5 | | Margaret Fuller, American romantic : a selection from her writings and correspondence / edited by Perry Miller. -- Cornell University Press, 1970. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
6 | | Women at Cornell : the myth of equal education / Charlotte Williams Conable ; pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1977. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
7 | | The theory of American literature / Howard Mumford Jones. -- [1st Cornell pbk]. -- Cornell University Press, 1966. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
8 | | Reading desire : in pursuit of Ernest Hemingway / Debra A. Moddelmog ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1999. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
9 | | The Craft and Art of Dylan Thomas / William T. Moynihan. -- Cornell University Press, 1968. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
10 | | Matter, space, and motion : theories in antiquity and their sequel / Richard Sorabji ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1988. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
11 | | The forest of symbols : aspects of Ndembu ritual / Victor Turner ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1970. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
12 | | Ghostwriting modernism / Helen Sword ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2002. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
13 | | Writing and revising the disciplines / edited by Jonathan Monroe ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2002. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
14 | | Veiled empire : gender & power in stalinist Central Asia / Douglas Northrop ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2004. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
15 | | The conquest of a continent : Siberia and the Russians / W. Bruce Lincoln ; : pbk.. -- Cornell University Press, 2007. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
16 | | The affirmative action empire : nations and nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939 / Terry Martin ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2001. -- (The Wilder House series in politics, history, and culture)(Cornell paperbacks). |
17 | | The fantastic : a structural approach to a literary genre / Tzvetan Todorov ; translated from the French by Richard Howard ; with a foreword by Robert Scholes. -- Cornell University Press, 1975. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
18 | | Balancing two worlds : Asian American college students tell their life stories / edited by Andrew Garrod and Robert Kilkenny ; with an introduction by Russell C. Leong ; and an afterword by Vernon Takeshita ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 2007. -- (Cornell paperbacks). |
19 | | Myths of empire : domestic politics and international ambition / Jack Snyder ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1992. -- (Cornell studies in security affairs / edited by Robert J. Art, Robert Jervis, and Stephen M. Walt)(Cornell paperbacks). |
20 | | The origins of alliances / Stephen M. Walt ; : pbk. -- Cornell University Press, 1990. -- (Cornell studies in security affairs / edited by Robert J. Art, Robert Jervis, and Stephen M. Walt)(Cornell paperbacks). |
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