
リレーション種別 図 書
書誌階層(下位:子) 17件




The Pickering masters 







W. Pickering 





1Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / edited by Gregory Claeys ; 1. 1700-1737 - : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1997. -- (The Pickering masters).
2Poetry / [Behn Aphra] ; edited by Janet Todd. -- W. Pickering, 1992. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 1).
3Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister (1684-7) / edited by Janet Todd. -- William Pickering, 1993. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 2).
4The fair jilt and other short stories / edited by Janet Todd ; : set. -- William Pickering, 1995. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 3).
5Seneca unmasqued and other prose translations / edited by Janet Todd ; : set. -- William Pickering, 1993. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 4).
6The plays 1671-1677 / edited by Janet Todd ; : set. -- William Pickering, 1996. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 5).
7The plays 1678-1682 / edited by Janet Todd ; : set. -- William Pickering, 1996. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 6).
8The plays 1682-1696 / edited by Janet Todd ; : set. -- William Pickering, 1996. -- (The Pickering masters ; . The works of Aphra Behn ; v. 7).
9The round table ; Lectures on the English poets / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 2).
10A view of the English stage / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 3).
11An essay on the principles of human action ; Characters of Shakespear's plays / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 1).
12Lectures on the English Comic writers ; Lectures on the dramatic literature of the Age of Elizabeth ; A letter to William Gifford, Esq. / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 5).
13Political essays / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 4).
14Liber Amoris ; The spirit of the age / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 7).
15Table talk / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 6).
16Uncollected essays / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 9).
17The plain speaker / [William Hazlitt] ; edited by Duncan Wu ; : set. -- Pickering & Chatto, 1998. -- (The Pickering masters ; . { The selected writings of William Hazlitt / edited by Duncan Wu ; with an introduction by Tom Paulin } ; v. 8).

