
統一標目形 統一標目形(カナ)
Jakobson, Roman, 1896-1982 
図  書33件
雑  誌0件



1Selected writings / Roman Jakobson. -- Mouton.
2The sound shape of language / by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh ; assisted by Martha Taylor. -- Indiana University Press, 1979.
3Dialogues / Roman Jakobson, Krystyna Pomorska ; [initial translation from the French by Christian Hubert] ; : pbk. -- [1st MIT Press paperback ed.]. -- MIT Press, 1983.
4Phonological studies / Roman Jakobson. -- 2nd, expanded ed. -- Mouton, 1971. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 1).
5Word and language / Roman Jakobson. -- Mouton, 1971. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 2).
6Poetry of grammar and grammar of poetry / Roman Jakobson ; edited, with a preface, by Stephen Rudy. -- Mouton, 1981. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 3).
7Slavic epic studies / Roman Jakobson. -- Mouton, 1966. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 4).
8On verse, its masters and explorers / Roman Jakobson ; prepared for publication by Stephen Rudy and Martha Taylor. -- Mouton, 1979. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 5).
9Comparative Slavic studies ; The Cyrillo-Methodian tradition / Roman Jakobson ; : gw, : us. -- Mouton Publishers, 1985. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; 6 . Early Slavic paths and crossroads / edited with a preface by Stephen Rudy ; pt. 1).
10Medieval Slavic studies / Roman Jakobson ; : gw, : us. -- Mouton Publishers, 1985. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; 6 . Early Slavic paths and crossroads / edited with a preface by Stephen Rudy ; pt. 2).
11Fundamentals of language / by Roman Jakobson and Morris Halle. -- 2nd rev. ed. -- Mouton, 1971. -- (Janua linguarum ; series minor 1).
12Child language : Aphasia and phonological universals / by Roman Jakobson. -- Mouton, 1968. -- (Janua linguarum ; Series minor, 72).
13On language / Roman Jakobson ; edited by Linda R. Waugh and Monique Monville-Burston ; : pbk. -- Harvard University Press, 1990.
14Fundamentals of language / by Roman Jakobson and Morris Halle. -- 4th ed.. -- Mouton, 1980. -- (Janua linguarum ; Series minor 1).
15Poetry of grammar and grammar of poetry / edited, with a preface, by Stephen Rudy. -- Mouton, 1981. -- (Selected writings / Roman Jakobson ; v. 3).
16Studies on child language and aphasia / by Roman Jakobson. -- Mouton, 1971. -- (Janua linguarum ; Series minor ; 114).
17Les fondations du langage / Roman Jakobson ; traduit de l'anglais et pr?fac? par Nicolas Ruwet. -- Minuit, 1963. -- (Arguments ; [4] . Essais de linguistique g?n?ral / Roman Jakobson ; 1).
18Langage Enfantin et Aphasie / Roman Jakobson ; traduit de l'Anglais et de l'Allemand par Jean-Paul Boons et Radmila Zygouris. -- Flammarion, 1980. -- (Champ linguistique ; 88).
19Th?orie de la litt?rature / textes des formalistes russes r?unis, pr?sent?s et traduits par Tzvetan Todorov ; pr?face de Roman Jakobson. -- Seuil, 1965. -- (Collection "Tel quel").
20Questions de po?tique / Roman Jakobson. -- 2. ?d., revue et corrig?e / par l'auteur. -- Seuil, 1973. -- (Po?tique).






