
統一標目形 統一標目形(カナ)
Ric?ur, Paul, 1913- 
図  書45件
雑  誌0件



1The conflict of interpretations : essays in hermeneutics / Paul Ricoeur ; edited by Don Ihde ; : hd, : pbk. -- Northwestern University Press, 1974. -- (Northwestern University studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy).
2Freedom and nature : the voluntary and the involuntary / Paul Ricoeur ; translated, with an introduction by Erazim V. Koh?k ; : pbk. -- Northwestern University Press, 1966. -- (Northwestern University studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy).
3Freud and philosophy : an essay on interpretation / by Paul Ricoeur ; translated by Denis Savage ; : pbk. -- Yale University Press, 1970. -- (The Terry lectures).
4Hermeneutics and the human sciences : essays on language, action and interpretation / Paul Ricoeur ; edited, translated and introduced by John B. Thompson ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1981.
5The rule of metaphor : multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language / Paul Ricoeur ; translated by Robert Czerny with Kathleen McLaughlin and John Costello ; : pbk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1977. -- (University of Toronto romance series ; 37).
6The symbolism of evil / Paul Ricoeur ; translated from the French by Emerson Buchanan. -- Beacon Press, 1969. -- (Beacon paperback Ariadne).
7Political and social essays / Paul Ricoeur ; collected and edited by David Stewart and Joseph Bien. -- Ohio University Press, 1975.
8Oneself as another / Paul Ricoeur ; translated by Kathleen Blamey ; : pbk. -- University of Chicago Press, 1994.
9Interpretation theory : discourse and the surplus of meaning / Paul Ricoeur ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Texas Christian University Press, 1976.
10Husserl : an analysis of his phenomenology / Paul Ricoeur ; translated by Edward G. Ballard and Lester E. Embree ; : hdc, : pbk. -- Northwestern University Press, 1967. -- (Northwestern University studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy).
11Time and narrative / Paul Ricoeur ; translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer ; v. 1 - v. 3 : pbk. -- University of Chicago Press, 1984.
12Lectures on ideology and utopia / Paul Ricoeur ; edited by George H. Taylor ; : pbk. -- Columbia University Press, 1986.
13The conflict of interpretations : essays in hermeneutics / Paul Ricoeur ; edited by Don Ihde ; : pbk. -- Northwestern University Press, 2007. -- (Northwestern University studies in phenomenology and existential philosophy).
14De l'interpr?tation : essai sur Freud / Paul Ric?ur. -- Seuil, 1965. -- (L'ordre philosophique).
15Temps et r?cit / Paul Ric?ur ; : set - t. 3. -- Seuil, 1983. -- (L'ordre philosophique).
16Histoire et v?rit? / Paul Ric?ur. -- 3e ?d. augm. de quelques textes. -- ?ditions du Seuil, 1955. -- (Collection Esprit).
17Etre, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote / Paul Ric?ur. -- Soci?t? d'?dition d'enseignement sup?rieur, 1982.
18Soi-m?me comme un autre / Paul Ric?ur. -- Seuil, 1990. -- (L'ordre philosophique).
19Ph?nom?nologie de la conscience de culpabilit? : essai de pathologie ?thique / Tadao Hisashige ; pr?sentation de Paul Ricoeur. -- Presses de l'universit? Sensh?, 1983.
20Entretiens / Paul Ric?ur, Gabriel marcel. -- Aubier-Montaigne, 1968. -- (Pr?sence et pens?e ; 10).






