
統一標目形 統一標目形(カナ)
Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768 
図  書21件
雑  誌0件



1The writings of Laurence Sterne : large paper edition. -- Basil Blackwell.
2A sentimental journey : through France and Italy / by Laurence Sterne ; with introduction and notes by Y. Okakura. -- 復刻版. -- 研究社出版, 1983. -- (研究社英文學叢書 / 岡倉由三郎, 市河三喜主幹 ; 〔90〕).
3Tristram Shandy / Laurence Sterne ; introd. by George Saintsbury. -- Dent, 1912. -- (Everyman's library ; no. 617).
4A sentimental journey ; The journal to Eliza / Laurence Sterne ; introduction by Daniel George. -- Dent, 1960. -- (Everyman's library ; no.796).
5A sentimental journey through France and Italy / by Mr. Yorick. Edited by Gardner D. Stout, Jr. -- University of California Press, 1967.
6A sentimental journey through France and Italy ; together with A political romance ; A fragment ; Journal to Eliza ; Letters to Eliza / by Laurence Sterne. -- Basil Blackwell, 1927. -- (The writings of Laurence Sterne : large paper edition ; 4).
7Letters of Laurence Sterne. -- Basil Blackwell, 1927. -- (The writings of Laurence Sterne : large paper edition ; 5).
8The sermons of Mr Yorick / by Laurence Sterne ; v. 1, v. 2. -- B. Blackwell, 1927. -- (The writings of Laurence Sterne : large paper edition ; 6-7).
9The life & opinions of Tristram Shandy : gentleman / by Laurence Sterne ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Basil Blackwell, 1926. -- (The writings of Laurence Sterne : large paper edition ; v. 1-3).
10The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 1 & 2, 3 & 4. -- AMS Press, 1970. -- (The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 1-2).
11A Sentimental journey through France and Italy ; and The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends : vol. 1 / with an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross. -- AMS Press, 1970. -- (The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 3).
12The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends ; 2 & 3. -- AMS Press, 1970. -- (The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 4).
13The Sermons of Mr. Yorick / with an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 1 & 2. -- AMS Press, 1970. -- (The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 5).
14Life by Percy Fitzgerald, including memoirs of the life of the family of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne written by himself ; 1 & 2. -- AMS Press, 1970. -- (The complete works and life of Laurence Sterne / With an introd. by Wilbur L. Cross ; 6).
15Leben und Meinungen von Tristram Shandy, Gentleman / Laurence Sterne ; aus dem Englischen ?bersetzt von Otto Weith ; nachwort von Erwin Wolff ; geb., kart.. -- Reclam, 1972. -- (Universal-Bibliothek ; Nr. 1441-46).
16リチャードソン ; スターン / 海老池俊治, 朱牟田夏雄訳. -- 筑摩書房, 1972. -- (筑摩世界文學大系 ; 21).
17スターン / 岡倉由三郎著. -- 復刻版. -- 研究社出版, 1980. -- (研究社英米文學評傳叢書 ; 22).
18センチメンタル・ジャーニィ : ヨーリック師のフランスとイタリーを巡る / ローレンス・スターン作 ; 小林亨訳. -- 朝日出版社, 1984.
19トリストラム・シャンディ氏の生活と意見 / ロレンス・スターン著 ; 綱島窈訳. -- 八潮出版社, 1987.
20トリストラム・シャンディ / ロレンス・スターン作 ; 朱牟田夏雄訳 ; 上, 中, 下. -- 岩波書店, 1969. -- (岩波文庫 ; 赤-1198-1200,7106-7109,7110-7113,7114-7116,赤(32)-212-1,赤(32)-212-2,赤(32)-212-3).






