
統一標目形 統一標目形(カナ)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 
図  書37件
雑  誌0件



1Cicero's Offices : De officiis, Laelius, Cato Maior and select letters / introduction by John Warrington. -- J. M. Dent & Sons, 1909. -- (Everyman's library ; No. 345 : Classical).
2Letters to Atticus / Marcus Tullius Cicero ; with an English translation by E.O. Winstedt ; 1 : us - 4. -- Harvard University Press, 1912. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 7-8, 97, 491 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 22-[24], 29).
3De officiis / Cicero ; with an English translation by Walter Miller. -- Harvard University Press, 1990. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 30 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 21).
4Philippics / Cicero ; with an English translation by Walter C.A. Ker ; : American, : British. -- W. Heinemann, 1926. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 189).
5The speeches : Pro Sestio and In Vatinium / Marcus Tullius Cicero ; with an English translation by R. Gardner. -- Heinemann, 1966. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 309).
6Cicero's Letters to Atticus / translated with an introd. by D. R. Shackleton Bailey. -- Penguin Books, 1978. -- (Penguin classics).
7Cicero's letters to his friends / Cicero ; translated by D. R. Shackleton Bailey ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Penguin Books, 1978. -- (Penguin classics).
8Selected works / Cicero ; translated by Michael Grant. -- Penguin Books, 1960. -- (Penguin classics).
9In Catilinam, I-IV ; Pro Murena ; Pro Sulla ; Pro Flacco / Cicero ; with an English translation by C. Macdonald ; : American, : British. -- New ed. / by C. Macdonald. -- Harvard University Press, 1976. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 324 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 10).
10Murder trials / Cicero ; translated with an introduction by Michael Grant ; : pbk.. -- Penguin, 1975. -- (Penguin classics).
11The nature of the gods / Cicero ; translated [from the Latin] by Horace C. P. McGregor; with an introduction by J. M. Ross ; : pbk. -- Penguin, 1972. -- (Penguin classics ; L265).
12Selected political speeches of Cicero / translated with an introduction by Michael Grant. -- Rev. ed. -- Penguin, 1973. -- (Penguin classics).
13The letters to his brother Quintus ; The letters to Brutus ; Handbook of electioneering ; Letter to Octavian / Cicero ; [first work] translated by W. Glynn Williams ; [second work] translated by M. Cary ; [third and fourth works] translated by Mary Henderson ; : American, : British. -- Repr. [ed.] with additions. -- Harvard University Press, 1972. -- (The Loeb classical library ; 462 . Cicero : in twenty-eight volumes ; 28).
14Cato der ?ltere ?ber das Greisenalter / Cicero ; herausgegeben von Ernst von Reusner. -- Reclam, 1965. -- (Universal-Bibliothek ; Nr. 803).
15キケロー選集 / キケロー [著]. -- 岩波書店.
16義務について / キケロー [著] ; 泉井久之助訳. -- 岩波書店, 1961. -- (岩波文庫 ; 33-611-1,6393-6396).
17キケロ ; エピクテトス ; マルクス・アウレリウス / 鹿野治助責任編集. -- 中央公論社, 1968. -- (世界の名著 ; 13).
18修辞学 / キケロー [著] ; 片山英男 [ほか] 訳 ; 1, 2. -- 岩波書店, 1999. -- (キケロー選集 / キケロー [著] ; 6, 7).
19友情について / キケロ [著] ; 水谷九郎, 呉茂一訳. -- 岩波書店, 1941. -- (岩波文庫 ; 33(青)-611-3, 2877).
20キケロ ; エピクテトス ; マルクス・アウレリウス / 鹿野治助責任編集. -- 中央公論社, 1980. -- (中公バックス ; . 世界の名著||セカイ ノ メイチョ ; 14).






